Seiko Programmable Industrial Sewing Machine
If you are looking to sew on extra heavy duty materials like webbing , composites , leather , then the SAM-21 is the go to machine for the job!
SEIKO is the ONLY machine of its kind in the world, the machine can be used to stitch many heavy duty
Suitable for sewing extra heavy weight materials
Suitable for sewing products such as cargo slings, safety harnesses particularly for automotive and aviation industries, pipe slings, heavy lifting equipment, industrial work boot applications, balloons, parachutes, heavy duty equestrian harnesses etc.
User programmable from pad or notebook PC
Standard memory on machine per patterns 150/floppy disk up to 8000 stitches
Sewing pattern storage is in control box and or floppy disk
Heavy duty X-Y movement
Stitch length is 0.1mm to 12.7mm
Pneumatic BAS clamping
Powerful adjustable clamp (webbing up to 3" wide)
Large barrel shuttle & bobbin (31.7mm dia. X 44.1mmL)
Thread trimmer cuts the thread and holds them during start of next sewing cycle
Complete with table stand and motor
Made in Japan